During posting, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire in relation to the post you wish to promote through the System. Our questionnaire will ask you a series of questions in relation to your post. You will also be asked to provide certain supporting documentation in relation to your innovation. You will be scored out of one hundred (100) in relation to your completed questionnaire. This score will be determined based on how thoroughly the questionnaire has been completed and how much supporting documentation has been supplied. The purpose of this score is to provide an indication to other Members (particularly investors or buyers) as to how comprehensive and developed your offering is.
Each answer you give to questions in our questionnaire gives you 1 point. Where further evidences are required to enhance your offering, you can upload the corresponding documents or any weblink and earn additional 3 points. The total of the points reached divided by the total possible points result in the total score of your post. Accordingly, the score can theoretically vary between 0 and 100%. Interested parties recognise based on your score how comprehensive your offer is. To save time, investors and interested parties prefer connecting to posts with higher scores.
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