Sciony is a three-sided marketplace. Building the intersection of inventors' ideas, investors' funds and service providers' skills, Sciony provides access and exposure to a global network that brings together ideas, funding, suitable partners and qualified expertise in an integrated process no other existing marketplace offers.
Our comprehensive questionnaire and the Sciony Logbook provide guidance to Members how to add value to their offering. By advising inventors and IP owners on what accomplishments they need in order to increase chances for finding partners, funding or to successfully sell or license their IP, Sciony enables them with a step-by-step guidance to increase their success rate and so helping more innovations out to the world stage. In the questionnaire-based step-by-step post enhancement process, qualified professional services are integrated, so that invention and IP lawyers, experts in a specific subject matter, software developers, designers, IP valuation experts, investment advisors, business consultants and many more are available upon request to offer their advice and service just in sequence, without needing the members to search for corresponding services somewhere else. Related to the accomplishments recommended by the Sciony Logbook's to-do list, users can select by region and specialty the available expertise matching their needs and request the needed support instantly. The commissioned service providers and subject matter experts connect with the members and provide the required support where needed.
On Sciony IP owners, inventors and startups can so market their enhanced IP, invention or business offering with a higher success rate.
In addition to the posting process for our Members, Sciony allows Interested Parties to post calls and invitations or innovation challenges for their specific investment scope based on a range of relevant criteria, so inventors can connect to these with their enhanced offerings. By this, Interested Parties find effectively what they are looking for.
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